Frequently Asked Questions
  • Q- Why does Agency Impact Management System cost so much less than other management programs?
  • A- Simple, we want your business, and we know that once you use our product, you will never go back to those pricier programs.
  • Q- I have dial-up internet access, is your service still available to me?
  • A- All you need is a web browser connected to the internet; however, a broadband connection is recommended.
  • Q- I’m using an old version of my internet browser. Do I need to upgrade?
  • A- Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6 and above is recommended.
  • Q- What if my agency's employees are remote producers?
  • A- All they need is a web browser connected to the internet.
  • Q- Will my log name and password allow me to log in from multiple locations?
  • A- No, a single issued username and password will not allow simultaneous connections.
  • Q- What happens if I lose my password?
  • A- We will send you a new password, no charge for reset.
  • Q- Do I have to pay the full annual premium?
  • A- No, payments are spread equally over 12 monthly installments with the option of one annual pay at a reduced rate.
  • Q- Will my connection to your server remain secure?
  • A- Yes, Agency Impact Management System implement uses secure connections only.
  • Q- How often is data backed up?
  • A- Every 24 hours.
  • Q- Is training provided?
  • A- Upon request.
  • Q- Do you accommodate multi-location agencies?
  • A- Yes, Agency Impact Management System is always ready to meet your needs.
  • Q- Can I move my current data to Agency Impact Management System?
  • A- Data is transferable from many of the newer insurance programs.